استاذ واستشاري جراحة العظام والعمود الفقري
Doctor Mohamed Hewala
Dr. Tarek Abdel EL Samad Hewala He is a consultant professor of orthopedic surgery and Jasperid Column. Featuring extensive experience in treating osteochondrosis and deformities, garden trees have health benefits. Including his skill from Turkey for the most prominent sporting events, Dr. Tariq Al-Hawala provides distinguished medical care including the best results for patients.

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Dr. Tariq Al-Hawala presents the latest techniques in spine surgeries

Doctor Mohamed Hewala
Professor and Consultant of Orthopedic and Spine Surgery
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Spine Surgery Services
Dr. Tariq Al-Hawala provides a distinguished range of spine surgery services using the latest advanced techniques and methods to ensure the best results for patients.

We specialize in treating spinal fractures resulting from sports accidents using advanced techniques to ensure a quick and safe recovery.

We offer effective treatments to correct spinal curvatures such as scoliosis and kyphosis, with the goal of permanently improving the appearance and function of the spine.
Patients' opinions and experiences

Ahmed Ali
“Honestly, Dr. Tariq Al-Hawala changed my life for the better. I had been suffering from back pain for a long time, and after the operation he performed on me, I returned to my normal life. May God reward him with all goodness.”